CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

Editor’s note:- “Foreign Control Watchdog” is the bulletin of CAFCA, a watch dog lobby group on foreign intrusion into NZ’s economy and environment.
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13 Responses to CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

  1. Frank Henry says:

    The Fast Track Approvals Bill plays is tailor made for corporates. Corporate power is out of control. For far too long, we have let giant corporations determine how the rest of people live.
    Today these corporations exercise economic and political power to an extent that makes a mockery of democracy.
    I think Foreign Control Watchdog is CAFCA’s? Top statement by CAFCA.

  2. "Democrat" says:

    Yes that’s true in what’s happening but even so, it’s not that corporations are inherently bad. It’s that greed and power plays have corrupted the role of corporations. Corporations have been allowed to morph into moneymaking monsters whose only purpose is to maximise profits.
    Governments let it happen. Of course corporations don’t help by political donations to curry favour. Follow the money trail.
    Jones’ Fast Track Bill is a monster in itself favouring corporates.

  3. J B H says:

    The ‘back-off” by Jones and Bishop over ministerial power should be seen for what it is – a sop – because government appoints those on the panel, now to make decisions.
    C’mon Mr Jones we’re not that stupid.

    • Dai Evans says:

      It was probably planned from the start……put something up that can be given away and then it’s boasted “we listened to the Public…” etc.

  4. No wonder Luxon has been seen rubbing shoulders with Larry Fink ( CEO of Blackrock)
    in recent times. Blackrock= the pinnacle of corporate greed & power.
    NZ for sale again!!!! What do we get out of these deals??? & are there secret swiss
    bank accounts being set up for who’s who in the zoo????


  5. Justice Will B. Dunn. says:

    Decades ago when the ERA was first introduced it was meant to work along the lines of Common Law – that if it wasn’t illegal then you could basically get on with it, faster and more efficient than the old Town Planning laws. But the case law that has come out of it has seen that intention totally upended with legitimate projects that are good for NZ Inc stymied by red tape and spurious environmental claims. We must have development, we must have growth and everything is either farmed or at some point mined. That National, in a seeming fit of pique has decided “to hell with it” and is sorta/kinda dispensing with the ERA by this “fast tracking” slight of hand, is an indictment of the law as it stands, perhaps reforming the ERA once and for all should be the focus? They had 6 years in opposition to draft it up after all.

  6. John Mulgan says:

    Everything is up for sell to foreigners because this coalition has no sense of loyalty to the New Zealand public and future generations. That’s neoliberalism, folks. It’s maddening that the Atlas Network has stuck its tentacles up the bums of our cabinet and are working their mouths like sockpuppets. This goes back to John Key and Robert Muldoon.

  7. Linda Hil says:

    Glad that fast track decisions won’t be made by Ministers doing favours for their mates, but by as yet unnamed experts… more transparency, please. One expert will be an environmental expert, which is nice but not necessarily reassuring. Because the Act still has no goal, objective or decision criteria related to environmental issues or climate policy. It’s all business-as-usual as if this troika govt has never heard of planetary boundaries and the climate crisis!

  8. Peter Winkleman says:

    Plato had it right when he said “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    The Fast Track Approvals bill is evil in intent, ignoring the people’s right to have a say and dictatorial in manner.

  9. Publicly listed companies and corporations are required by the rules they are formed under, to maximise returns to their shareholders, managers, CEOs and owners. In that capacity they are bound to behave like psychopaths. Consequently, regulation by the state, on behalf of all citizens is mandatory if society and environment are not to become trashed.
    The current NZ government, funded into power by $16,000,000+ from big business, is now required to supply the return on that investment, and is effectively in the corporate pocket.
    The NZ government is cutting the general public out of the democratic process of consultations and submissions, while encouraging exclusive Ministerial access for big business lobbyists and leaders.
    Italian WW2 fascist leader Benito Mussolini put it well when he stated “”The fascist state is the corporate state.”
    What we now have in New Zealand is a fascist state.

  10. Paul Corliss says:

    This legislation is anti-democratic, perpetuated the very worst aspects of climate change, and is clearly anti-environment. New Zealanders are clear in their opposition, and it is essential that National and othe Coalition MPs understand they will be held accountable if this travesty goes ahed. Their names will rightly and permanently be associated with an undemocratic change that undermines our valued democracy, exacerbates the earth-destoying impacts of the ruch to climate change and accordingly threatens our cherished and essential ecosystems. Cut it our, and right now. Turn a deaf and censorious ear to those greedy, self-centred short-term parroters of the ‘I want to make quick money before it all turns to shit’ philosophy.

    Stop this Bill and take positive peronal and political steps to protect New Zealand’s future.

    The public and members of the Select Committee have not yet seen the list of projects that will be rubber-stamped under this Bill. Shame on such perfidity!

    One submission from a respected New Zealand political scientist warns of the potential for cronyism, “clientelism” and patronage if this bill becomes law. There will be “an incentive for private interests, organisations and investors to develop strong relationships with the government of the day”. Incomprehensible and weak, the fear of a legislative lapdog.

    If you choose not to take steps in your power to bring the door down on this despicable legislation you will be held to account, and quite rightly so.

  11. Heraclitus says:

    When will they ever learn? Since Labour ambushed the voting public with neoliberal Kool Aid every social good metric has declined. Unfettered free markets simply do not work in the national or social good interest.
    Corporate greed is now so entrenched in the body politic its cannibalising its own support base. The sight of a major NZ industry pleading for protection/subsidies from the free market is wonderful schadenfreude; big business vomited them in and now they pay the price; but never mind… the proles will bail them out.
    As to that buffoon, who swallowed his lexicon, complaining there is insufficient capital in NZ to fund infrastructure development, is it any wonder ? We have sold most of the national silver along with their profits being remitted offshore, and the privatization/PPP drum is beating even louder now. The current wrecking ball administration in the Beehive is deserving only of contempt.

  12. Jacinta says:

    Sounds like we need to get Labour back in.

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