North-west Nelson’s Kahurangi National Park Fopcus on New Book

Book Review:- “Kahurangi” by Dave Hansford, published by Potion and Burton, price $79.99. Reviewed by Tony Orman At the top of the South Island, there is a huge wilderness area comprising the Kahurangi National Park (and adjoining wilderness areas) stretching … Continue reading

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Government Aims to Woo Foreign Investment Despite Public Unease

by Tony Orman The Government intends to woo foreign investors in a bid to speed up investment from overseas. Foreign investors will find it easier to buy New Zealand companies and property after the government “reforms” the Overseas Investment Act. … Continue reading

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The Fast-track Bill: the Good, the Bad and the Clumsy

The Fast-Track Approvals Bill has faced significant opposition for various reasons  by Gary Taylor and Shay Schlaepfer (Environmental Defence Society) Comment: The Government’s u-turn in August that expert panels, not ministers, should make final decisions on fast-tracked projects, was a calculated … Continue reading

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A Way to Fix New Zealand’s Broken Political System?

by Tony Orman Editor’s note:- CORANZ is politically neutral in terms of political parties. However this article offers an alternative to the current malaise afflicting New Zealand governments. There were plenty of instances of rushed, poor laws under the previous … Continue reading

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Beloved “Nor’Wester” Country Columns Recalled in New Book

Book Review:-“Where the Nor’ Wester Blows” by Bee Dawson, published by Quentin Wilson Publishing. Price $60. Reviewed by Tony Orman For more than twenty years Roland Clark, an immigrant from Ireland, wrote lively monthly columns for the “New Zealand Farmer” … Continue reading

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An invaluable Tramping Guide To Advice and Fifteen Selected Tramps

Book Review: “Wild Walks Aotearoa” by Hannah-Rose Watt, published by Penguin Books, price $50. Reviewed by Tony Orman. Interest in tramping and the outdoors has risen astronomically in recent years,. Once very much a male domain, participation has embraced particularly … Continue reading

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Proposed Stewart Island 1080 Drop an Ecological Disaster?

Special Report A planned aerial 1080 drop for next year to rid Stewart Island (Rakiura) of Norway rats and other pest species is running into growing opposition. Among the opposition or doubters that includes not only local residents but conservationists, … Continue reading

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Extra Caution Needed to Avoid Repeating Past Orange Roughy Fishery Collapses

Press Release by CORANZ The Council of Outdoor Recreation Councils  (CORANZ) is urging government to be strongly cautious on catch limits for the deep water fish orange roughy in order to avoid a repeat of the disastrous over-fishing of the … Continue reading

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Nicole McKee- Public Safety Benefits of Smooth Running Shooting Clubs and Ranges

Special Report Associate Minister of Justice (Firearms) Nicole McKee has announced changes to improve the regulation of shooting clubs and ranges that Labour had imposed in 2020.. “The changes will strengthen public safety and reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens that put … Continue reading

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Alpine Stoats Eat Few Birds,Prefer Rats

Editor’s note:– A reader has unearthed an interesting study that shows a benefit of stoats. Stoats in South Island alpine areas prefer to eat small mammals and ate surprisingly few birds. Stoats​ in alpine areas strongly preferred ship rats, according to … Continue reading

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Tribute to Dedicated Tramper, Author, Photographer

Book Review “A Wild Life” by Shaun Barnett, published by Potton and Burton, Price $59.99. Release Date; October 1, 2024, reviewed by Tony Orman. Sadly well known tramper, talented author and gifted photographer Shaun Barnett passed away this year from … Continue reading

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Nicole McKee Targeted by Media and Academic Over Range Clubs

Minister for Courts and the Associate Minister of Justice (Firearms)Nicole McKee has reduced strict regulations on firearm clubs imposed by the previous Labour government but has been targeted by the media and a public law expert.TV One news obtained documents … Continue reading

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New Law to Keep Firearms out of Gangs’ Hands

special report Last week Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee, successfully guided her bill to keep firearms out of the hands of gang members and other serious violent offenders, “The Bill expands the crimes for which a Firearms Prohibition Order … Continue reading

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Book on New Zealand’s Native Mammals

Book review:- New Zealand’s Native Mammals by Carolyn King, published by White Cloud books from Upstart press. price $34.99 (available early October) reviewed by Tony Orman. New Zealand is unique world-wide in terms of native mammals. There were  no four … Continue reading

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CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

Editor’s note:- “Foreign Control Watchdog” is the bulletin of CAFCA, a watch dog lobby group on foreign intrusion into NZ’s economy and environment. CAFCA deserves support and subscribers. Google CAFCA to get details.

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Fast Track Approvals Bill “Backward Facing Policy says CAFCA

Special Report “Campaign Against Foreign control of Aotearoa” common known as CAFCA, has termed the government’s Fast Track Approvals Bill as Backward Facing Policy. Writing in the latest issue of CAFCA’s “Watchdog bulletin, Murray Horton  said the bill was disreputable. … Continue reading

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Economic Group Want More Commercial Pine Forests —But.

Special Report Some economists are wanting more commercial pine forests and more planting of pines for carbon credits. And they are claiming that rivers and lakes would be cleaner if pines replaced livestock farming says a new paper from the … Continue reading

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Media Are “Disgraceful” Making Slurs on Minister Nicole McKee

ACT MP Cameron Luxton has described as “disgraceful attacks on Nicole’s character and integrity” by cartoonists in main centre newspapers after Police Association president Chris Cahill claimed the minister had shut the Police Association out of consultation on firearm laws. … Continue reading

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Police Wrongly Gave Christchurch Mosque Killer a Firearm Licence

(special report) The New Zealand Police wrongly granted Australian terrorist Brenton Tarrant a firearms licence despite a number of irregularities in his application. The disclosure came on the Platform website, 16 August, when host Michael Laws interviewed the president of … Continue reading

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Hunting Book Review -“One of the best hunting books I’ve read for ages”

Book Review “Sam the Trap Man” – subtitle -”cracking yarns and tall tales from the bush.” by Sam Gibson published by Allen and Unwin, price $45. Reviewed by Tony Orman This has to be one of the best hunting books … Continue reading

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