Monthly Archives: October 2022

Colonisation of NZ by Foreign Corporates via Climate Change Hype

Opinion by Charles Drake As a swinging voters with no party ties, I am weighing up my options and each day or week for next year’s general election, and examining ideas emanating from the political parties. For instance subjects like … Continue reading

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Predators Are Not Evil But are Invariability Part of Healthy Ecosystems

Opinion by Tony Orman New Zealand has for many decades waged a war against predators. Currently there are a number of anti-predator campaigns, often using public money in big spend-ups on futile aerial poisoning exercises. In addition, in the end, … Continue reading

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DOC and Fish and Game NZ – Conspicuous by their Absence at Crisis Time

by Andi Cockroft, Chairman Council of Outdoor  Recreation Assns of NZ (CORANZ)             I  do not currently hold a trout fishing licence but as a keen conservationist and outdoor recreationalist, I take a keen and strong interest in the environment … Continue reading

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DoC Admits 1080 Drop Kills Endangered Kea

by Juliet Speedy (Newshub) The Department of Conservation (DoC) has confirmed a number of kea were killed in a recent 1080 drop around Arthur’s Pass. The department says it’s awful, not good enough and it wants to do better. Arthur’s Pass … Continue reading

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The Reality of NZ’s Evolved 21st Century Ecosystem

An extract from a newly published book -”New Zealand -The Benefits of Colonisation” by Adam Plover, published by Tross Publishing The native people were not the only life form in New Zealand at the time that the first Europeans arrived; … Continue reading

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Canadian States Refuse to Back Trudeau’s “Gun Buy-back” Scheme

– special report A few days ago, Canada’s Saskatchewan provincial government announced it would not support the Canadian government ‘s buy-back firearms scheme. “The Saskatchewan government fully supports anti-crime initiatives,” said Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Christine Tell, … Continue reading

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