Minister Nicole Mckee ACT spokesman for Firearms and Minister for Courts and the Associate Minister of Justice (Firearms) says the coalition government is positively working towards easing the regulatory burden imposed on shooting clubs and ranges by the previous Labour-led government.
“Cabinet has agreed to consult on a package of proposals setting out an improved approach to regulating shooting clubs and ranges,” she said.
In 2020 the previous government changed the way clubs and ranges are regulated with all shooting clubs now needing to be improved and ranges needing to be certified, to operate.
These requirements have impacted negatively on clubs, ranges and the firearm owners and volunteers who participate in sporting activities.
She said clubs and range are important for people to learn firearm safety, to practice and compete.
“The risk with the current regulations imposed by the Labour-led government is that people will not join clubs or use ranges.”
Non-pistol clubs had told Nicole McKee that the requirement to provide an annual report was causing undue pressure.
“This is an example of over-regulation without a clear public safety rationale,” she said. “So as a short term measure, government will adjust this requirement for non-pistol clubs, a change that will assist over 100 non-pistol shooting clubs with reports currently due in the next few months.”
As the Minister responsible for Firearms, Nicole McKee said she is committed to ensuring rules are practical, modern, informed by evidence and reflect best practice. The most important thing is to keep firearms out of the hands of those who will misuse them.
“ACT has long said that Labour’s knee jerk response to the nation’s tragedy in Christchurch on 15 March, 2019 punished licensed firearm owners and at the same time, failed to make New Zealand safer. Now in government we’re putting that right.”
In conclusion she said firearm owners eager for news on the review of the firearm registry, will be given an update very soon.

Nicole McKee is a real asset as a MP. Labour/Greens/Maori had a prejudice about public ownership of firearms for legitimate reasons, e.g. hunting.
At last some common sense.