A “must have” Book for Most New Zealanders

Secrets of the Sea by Robert Vennell, published by Harper Collins. Price $55. Reviewed by Tony Orman

This book, an introduction to New Zealand’s fish and shellfish, is a “must” for the keen saltwater angler and “boatie”. The author  – bestselling author of “The Meaning of Trees” – works in Auckland Museum’s Natural Science department. 
Because the creatures of the sea are below the surface few of us, unless we dive, are aware of the often unique creatures and their inter-relationships that go to make up the food chain.  As the author puts it in his preface, “as we go about our daily life on land, sea creatures can remain out of sight out of mind.”
I was pleased to see that the author may well have confirmed one of my suspicions about the decline of the toheroa along the Kapiti Coast. When I was a youngster holidaying at Otaki Beach with my parents and wider family members we would gather toheroa. That was the 1950s but subsequently the toheroas declined to become rare. Strict regulations were put in place. One old experienced local told me the reason was that the government had short sightedly allowed commercial fishermen to over-fish the snapper. Now one of the main prey of snapper is paddle crabs. Paddle crabs prey on toheroa. Less snapper meant more paddle crabs to prey on toheroa. The government seemed oblivious.
As Robert Vennell explains “populations of paddle crabs have increased in some areas which suggests signs of an ecosystem out of balance. It is likely the natural predators of paddle crabs – snapper, school shark and elephant fish – have been over-fished in many area, allowing paddle crab populations to grow.” 
Robert Vennell adds paddle crabs are “incredibly effective predators of shellfish and specialise in eating pipi, tutu and toheroa.”
My old friend at Otaki was bang on! The toheroa suffered. The reason wasn’t so much, if at all, over-fishing, by the recreational public as it was myopic fisheries “management.”
It has long infuriated me  that highly paid public servants in the Ministry of Fisheries don’t seem to realise that over-fishing, throws Nature’s equilibrium out of balance with often disastrous consequences for other species. Are the bureaucrats too preoccupied serving the commercial fishing industry corporates and their insatiable greed?
But I digress. Back to the book. But before I do, I strongly recommend that Ministry of Fisheries scientists and bureaucrats read this book.
The book covers many species and a goodly number are those caught along the Kapiti Coast by recreational anglers. Having caught kingfish off Hunter’s Bank at the southern end of Kapiti I found the chapter on “kingies” especially interesting and kahawai a favourite of so many New Zealanders feature. I regard the kahawai highly. And there’s snapper, whitebait, crayfish, blue cod, flounder and many others. Even the mysterious lamprey figures as does the native grayling which is now extinct.
One small criticism, I found the inclusion of Maori mythology (fairy tales) somewhat overdone. But it’s a small point to cavil over perhaps, in what is a superb book. 
It is indeed superb. Informative text with frequent fascinating insights, excellent artwork and photographs plus judicious design and layout by the publisher make this a very impressive book.
Very highly recommended.

Secrets Sea.jpeg

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3 Responses to A “must have” Book for Most New Zealanders

  1. Steve Harris says:

    I concur with the comment about the Ministry of Fisheries. The “managers” are public servants paid from the public purse for management of a public resource in the fisheries.
    Have the ministry’s bureaucrats no conscience? Instead of dutifully serving the public they serve the commercial corporates.
    Thank you for the review. I shall very likely purchase a copy of what seems a really good book.

  2. J B Smith says:

    Thank you for the review. Yes the toheroa/crab/snaspper link is a very good point which the Ministry of Fisheries should ponder on. Removal of one species by over-fishing creates problems elsewhere. Sounds like a very good book, thank you.

  3. Jack Tuhawaiki says:

    Our fisheries – our -the public’s – are under siege from the corporate fishing fleet aided by a Ministry that seems not to understand food chains. Over-fishing of kahawai now for export pet food market will endanger other species from gulls to kingfish, snapper and others.
    Thanks for review.

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