“How many privacy breaches will it take for the Government to admit that a firearms register is going to put firearms owners in danger?,” asks ACT’s firearms spokesperson Nicole McKee.
After the Firearms Safety Authority accidentally released over 140 email addresses of licensed firearms owners, now it’s emerged that three firearms licence holders’ email addresses were accidentally shared with each other in September 2022.
Nicole Mckee said firearms owners now had little confidence in Police’s ability to securely maintain and administer a firearms registry and the latest mistake reinforces that.
“If Police can’t even tell the difference between Cc and Bcc in an email, how on earth can they keep records secure?” she said. “The Firearms Safety Authority doesn’t even believe an apology is necessary for the 2022 breach”.
She suspects more breaches have occurred and will now come to light.
“These episodes demonstrate that the full registration of firearms is a wasteful and dangerous exercise. ACT will repeal it.”
It also shows that the administration of information about firearms and their licensed owners needs to be removed from New Zealand Police and placed under the care of a truly independent and trusted firearms authority, which ACT has committed to establishing, said Nicole McKee.

If ACT do not repeal the registry they will be a dead political party to hundreds of thousands of voters. Seymour swings from left to right to centre depending on which way the wind is blowing.
I am very curious to see how strong his word is
Yes, very worrisome leak, the first of many I suspect. We know that the gangs have successfully infiltrated the police over the last ten years or so with court convictions to prove it. How long until the first stand over, “give me your guns”, gang extortion story breaks post the registry being set up?
Nicole Mckee has been steadfast in advocating for sensible firearm laws and systems.
But I would like to know ACT’s policies on other outdoor issues such as 1080 poison, the plight of rivers, Urewera National Park and game animals.
Keystone Cops! A bad joke since us taxpayers fund them.
About Michael Hall’s comments – The question is why did a National Government gives away the people’s park i.e. My understanding is that it is no longer a national park?
I found by digging, the Ngāi Tūhoe Treaty of Waitangi settlement set it up to be administered by the Te Urewera Board, which comprises joint Tūhoe and Crown membership.
So why did the then National government Prime Minister John Key and his Treaty Minister Chris Finlayson do this with no reference to the owners the public? Of course we know Finlayson’s strong vested interest in iwi, i.e. Ngai tahu. Shame on John Key. Political expediency over the public interest.
Meanwhile Nicole Mckee is great on firearm issue. Act deserves a party vote tick from every law abiding firearm owner.
The gangs will probably vote Labour as Labour choose to leave them alone and instead persecute law abiding firearm owning public.
I like Michael & Patrick here above. Partys be they Act or another fussing about looking for the elephant in the room, yeah that one, with its trunk resting on your shoulder are all missing the clear path to October victory: Very simple:
1. wipe off the DOC Options Working Group preparing to give away the entire conservation estate & fresh water, coast & sea bed to tribal Iwi.
2.Scrub any further firearms restrictions on law abiding recreational shooters.
3.max penalties on crims using guns, this week alone had a number of gun killings.
4.Remove the racist word Māori from any & all ovmnt. legislation or any official documents, being s reference recognition to a group of humans that do not exist.
DNA has proved beyond doubt ,there is no such person on the planet that can be identified as a maori, it is ludicrous to be throwing money & privilege to something that doesn’t exist apart from in imagination & claims to be one for greedy garnering up free stuff belonging to taxpayer’s common property.
Agreed… 150%
What else could you expect?
I’m fully with Nicole on this. It’s incredible that these breaches would happen in 2023 from our police who should have their act together. There is too much to lose when data goes adrift. I would say ACT will sort this situation before police do.
Nicole McKee has spent 3 years rewriting the Arms Act. It will be ready to go if Act are successful in our election on 14 October. There will be no requirement for the Licenced Owners of firearms to register every firearm they own and pay exorbitant fees.
At this year’s election there is only one choice for the owners of firearms who want to enjoy their sport as the have done in the past, Party Vote Act and your National MP.
Do you spot a common thread here?