Police “Goof ” in Releasing Confidential Firearm Owner Details

“The accidental release of over 140 email addresses of licensed firearms owners shows once again that Police are incapable of keeping licensed firearms owners’ information secure,” says ACT’s firearms spokesperson Nicole McKee.

Earlier today Police sent out an email requesting action to a list of licensed firearms owners, forgetting to blind copy the emails. The email addresses of over 140 people were shared, information that can be used to identify them and, in some cases, their place of work.

“To add insult to injury, in at least one case the email demanded action on matters which had already been undertaken and inspected by Police,” she said.

“Firearms owners already had little confidence in Police’s ability to securely maintain and administer a firearms registry and this latest mistake reinforces that. If Police can’t even tell the difference between Cc and Bcc in an email, how on earth can they keep records secure?,” added Nicole McKee.

She said this episode demonstrates once again that the full registration of firearms is a wasteful and dangerous exercise and ACT will repeal it. It also shows that the administration of information about firearms and their licensed owners needs to be removed from New Zealand Police and placed under the care of a truly independent and trusted firearms authority, which ACT has committed to establishing.


Nicole McKee -” full registration of firearms is a wasteful and dangerous exercise
– ACT will repeal it.” 
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11 Responses to Police “Goof ” in Releasing Confidential Firearm Owner Details

  1. J B Smith says:

    Clearly the police are not competent in dealing with firearm ownership and licences. They “goofed” Tarrant’s application. He should never have been granted a licence when there were glaring irregularities. The police should be held responsible for the killings on March 15, 2019 at Christchurch’s Mosque.
    Now they’ve carelessly -again – released details of law abiding firearm owners.
    Police should be getting stuck into crime instead.

    • Devious Dave says:

      AND; Something most people missed. The young lady reporter on TV1 or 2
      reported that the police removed a stash of firearms from BOTH mosques!!!!

      Never a squeak reported since. Why the cover up??? & how did mosques
      get to have a “stash” of firearms anyway??? Isn’t THAT illegal???

      We won’t mention the 14 firearms stolen from the Palm Nth police station or the $250,000 paid to get 11 of them back???

      Trust the police??? Naaahhhh.

  2. Jack Tuhawaiki says:

    Note what Nicole says “Registration is a wasteful and dangerous undertaking and ACT will repeal it”.
    Every firearm owner and anyone else should give ACT the party Vote.

  3. pete says:

    We all knew the police and the new registration would be and continue to be a mistake. This is going to be just one of the many complete balls up made. By forcing owners to list firearms held and soon to list the exact spot in the house they are stored is incredibly foolish.
    If teenagers sipping a coke sitting in their bedrooms can hack into some of the biggest and most secure institutions such as for example the CIA, FBI and wall street which have been penetrated many times. Then it is only a matter of time before big breaches occur and personal information held is obtained and used for illegal actions

  4. Pete says:

    I did for get to say, I do find it concerning that Nicole says they will repeal then set up another authority. I hope there is not smoke and mirrors going on here. That they will remove one form of authoritarianism and introduce their own version

    • Stewart Hydes says:

      No, what Nicole is referring to, is the widely agreed need to remove the firearms regulatory authority functions from under the police umbrella. As it stands, police remain judge, jury, and execution, in the firearms space. Like the NZTA is in the vehicle / driver space, the regulatory function should be separate from the administration and enforcement function.

  5. Paul Peychers says:

    Nicole is a great asset to legal firearms owners. It is a sad state of affairs where we find ourselves today not having confidence in what should be our most respected authority in the country. I have full confidence in ACT as Nicole has focused on firearms issues for many issues, starting with COLFO years ago. I spoke to her at the Te Anau meeting recently which reinforced my opinion.

  6. Charles Baycroft says:

    With respect to the fine front line police officers that do their best to maintain law and order, the management of the enterprise is not very competent.
    This incompetence has resulted in a serious increase in crime that endangers everyone.
    This incompetence enabled Tarrant to obtain a firearms license, weapons and ammunition he should not have had.
    This incompetence enabled a convicted felon on home detention to have a firearm and shoot people.
    The incompetence has not protected people’s personal information from being insecure.
    The police enterprise is being administered to collect revenue from law abiding people who commit driving errors that do not harm anyone else more than to serve and protect the citizens who pay for it.
    It was predicted that information would not be secure and only took one month for this prediction to eventuate.
    This new legislation is not necessary because responsible owners of firearms are not a danger to other people.
    This new system will waste hundreds of millions of tax dollars without providing any benefits.
    This system will criminalize decent people for non compliance.
    Innocent people will be endangered when criminals get access to their personal data.
    These new firearms rules and the dangerous register are only about pretending to prevent crimes by victimizing people that do not commit crimes.
    Police resources that should be used to serve and protect us from thieves, drug dealers and violent criminals are being wasted and abused.
    The crime problem in New Zealand is not due to responsible licensed owners of firearms.
    Our crime problems are due to incompetent and ineffective management of the police and justice system.
    Party Vote ACT for reform of the justice system that costs is so much and provides so little benefits.

  7. Justice Will B. Dunn. says:

    You’d be a mug to register any firearms until after the elections, fingers crossed ACT can inject some sense into the process. I lay awake at night fearful of when the gangs decide to target my home to get their hands on my firearms once their insiders (let alone hackers) give them the details of who has what, where, and what they need to take with them safe breaking wise. But then again a knife to my throat will have me coughing up the safe’s contents pretty dang quick. Dark days ahead.

  8. Stewart Hydes says:

    It was just last Saturday we had 4 x Members of senior FSA Staff (including Mike McIlraith, Director Partnerships) at our NZDA Conference in Ashburton. They reassured us .. the system has been designed and built to the highest standards .. the testing has been done .. and no Firearms Registry security breaches could reasonably foreseeably occur.
    Nekminit …

  9. "Tikka" says:

    I’ve heard Mike McIlraith speak. I was not impressed. I even less impressed by Police Assn., president Chris Cahill. They have forgotten they are public servants funded by taxes including from law-abiding firearm owners.
    Do gangs and criminals pay taxes in full, if at all.

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