Recreational Hunters to Have a Voice on the Conservation Authority Under Proposed Bill?

Press release
NZ Deerstalkers’ Association

The New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) fully supports the Conservation (Membership of New Zealand Conservation Authority) Amendment Bill announced today that acknowledges recreational hunters’ significant role in New Zealand’s conservation landscape. 

Under the proposed Member’s Bill from ACT Conservation spokesperson Cameron Luxton, the NZDA would be awarded a seat on the New Zealand Conservation Authority, alongside representatives from iwi, the Royal Society, Forest and Bird, and Federated Mountain Clubs.

NZDA President Callum Sheridan expressed strong support for the Bill, stating, “Hunters are deeply committed to our forests and public lands, and this hands-on experience gives us unique insights into what needs to be done in the field. This Bill finally acknowledges the substantial and long-standing contributions that recreational hunters and the NZDA have made to conservation efforts over the years.”

The NZDA’s commitment to conservation is woven into the fabric of New Zealand’s history, dating back to our founder Geoffrey Orbell, who famously rediscovered the takahe in 1948—a species previously thought to be extinct. While hunting, Orbell followed a strange bird call and located three of these birds, highlighting the crucial role hunters play in maintaining New Zealand’s forests and bird life. 

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Dr. Geoffrey Orbell (right) founder of NZDA and discoverer of the takahe,

with takahe in Fiordland

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2 Responses to Recreational Hunters to Have a Voice on the Conservation Authority Under Proposed Bill?

  1. Frank Henry says:

    Cameron Luxton’s bill is a step in the right direction. Mind you, DoC will make sure any hunter on the conservation board will be out-numbered with anti-deer Forest and Bird wokes. At least if the bill surfaces out of the ballot box and is passed, it will ensure the 60,000 hunting public, they have a voice at the table.

  2. Lew says:

    I would say hunters do more for the environment on public lands than so called environmentalists like F&B ever would, hunters just never blow their trumpets on the great work many are doing for the environment. Three hunters on the board would be more of a reflection of the work they do.

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