Uncertain Future for Fishing and Hunting – Fish and Game NZ

Fish and Game NZ is extremely concerned at government’s Natural and Built Environment bill (NBEA) designed to replace the Resource Management Act (RMA).

The proposed Bill creates a new framework for how New Zealand manages its natural environment including freshwater, bio-diversity and resources. 
Fish and Game is extremely concerned about this Bill and its implications for the sustainable management of our natural environment and the future of game bird hunting and freshwater fishing.
“We are particularly worried about the significant shift away from valuing introduced species such as trout and salmon. While appropriately recognising Māori cultural values and indigenous species and industry, the Bill completely ignores the value all New Zealanders place on recreation and enjoyment of our great outdoorsThe Bill removes the habitat protection of trout and salmon, which has long been safeguarded by the RMA,” says a Fish and Game press release.
This will fundamentally strip Fish and Game’s ability to carry out its statutory duty to provide for the interests of anglers and hunters and to ensure freshwater habitats, including wetlands, are healthy and support trout, salmon and game bird populations..
For example, an angler who wants to have a say in how a favourite river is managed, such as during a  consent process or regional plan, the values  will be ignored because they will not be reflected in the legislation. 
Thin Edge of Wedge
“We believe the Government’s reform of the RMA represents the thin edge of the wedge and will  likely usher in further law changes threatening the future of hunting and fishing, the species we harvest and the organisations that currently manage trout, salmon, game birds and big game.”
Outdoor recreation remains an essential part of living in New Zealand. More than 300,000 Kiwis fish and hunt, the highest it’s ever been. Our world-class fishing and hunting attracts high-value tourists from all around the world.
Fish and Game NZ are calling on government to:-
(1) Reinstate the protection of the habitat of trout and salmon as a priority outcome
(2) Recognise recreational and enjoyment values for freshwater and the natural environment
(3) Recognise angling values for freshwater
(4) Provide for meaningful participation for hunters, anglers and those that enjoy the outdoors in shaping how the natural environment is managed at a regional and catchment level
(5) Strive for ecological health outcomes, recognising that people are part of the environment. New Zealand can have a healthy environment even when it has been modified

Footnote:- Visit Fish and Game NZ’s campaign website https://ourfuture.fishandgame.org.nz/
“Register to receive a campaign pack and join us!
SQ Jim Mountain.jpeg
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9 Responses to Uncertain Future for Fishing and Hunting – Fish and Game NZ

  1. J B Smith says:

    With New Zealand’s outdoor heritage, established by the early European settlers for an egalitarian society where trout and salmon fishing and duck and game bird shooting are publicly owned – in contrast to the feudal system of the UK -=, this government has the effrontery to the level of arrogance to ignore te hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who fish and hunt. Shame on government and Minister David Parker. Is it true David Parker goes trout fishing?

  2. David says:

    This government reminds me of a popular sentiment in England under Margaret Thatcher when her government’s approach was summarised as, “Let us find out what the people are doing – and stop them doing it”. Except that in New Zealand’s case this government appears to encourage those who thumb their noses at all the ethical and moral bases which made this country one of the best places to live on the planet.

  3. Nicholas Lorenz says:

    Yes, I had heard David Parker is a keen fly fisher. Googling says “David is a keen tramper and skier.” Certainly he is outdoors minded. In a u tube filmed before the 2017 election, Parker effused how he loved rivers, they needed to be flowing and clean and people should be able to fly fish. Now as minister he is proposing a damaging bill.
    Perhaps the faceless bureaucrats might be pulling his strings and he’s unaware? He shouldn’t be – he is a lawyer, no doubt adept at reading laws.

  4. Roger Dewhurst says:

    The Natural and Built Environment Bill is utter lunacy. Salmon, trout and game animals MUST be protected to ensure their survival. Do politicians wish to turn NZ into a third world country? It seems so. They are on track for doing so. Do not anticipate that because someone is a lawyer or judge that he is smart. They are merely required to know where to find the law, thinking does not come into it very much. Unfortunately I have met several of both, thick as two short planks.

  5. Bud jones JonesQSM says:

    Roger–Yes, we are turning into a third world country, including a dive into apartheid on the way. But I see a larger concern expressed here’ regarding fish & game.
    Very soon it wont matter, as thanks to St. Cindy instructing DOC to form the Options Development Group to prepare the paper work to hand over the entire Conservation Estate ownership to tribal Iwi.Moedis will clip your ticket before you can access any of your former sporting fields. Be careful too.
    A new law will see a fine of 200,000. for anyone
    discussing anything “culturally insensitive”.With third world comes Big Brother it seems! You have been warned!

  6. Bud jones JonesQSM says:

    I think I saw a poor choice of words here , above–“future uncertain, “quite the contrary, on present course the the future IS CERTAIN. You, your children & future generations will live in a state,one step worse than apartheid, it will be by rule of stone age tikanga thinking having discarded 2000 yrs. of civilization, science & philosophic understanding,& returning to tribal slavery. A dictatorship of racism never before seen.
    Riding tandem will be every evil transgression against human wellbeing that rulers can visit on a people.
    It will make Nazi Germany of the 30’s look like a Girl Scouts summer camp at Stillwater, Oklahoma.

  7. Bud jones JonesQSM says:

    look further ahead to the end game of disarming the public, If game hunting is degraded as an activity there is no reason for guns in the hands of sport shooters or anyone else. See it for what is really happening–disarm the public.

  8. Lew says:

    Why the panic the way things are going in this country all the public lands will be under the control of Iwi and we will be dancing to their tune.

  9. Jim Hale. says:

    To try to strip away the heritage of those who enjoy, any out door activity, Fresh Water Fishing, any hunting activity. Is causing major damage to any Political Party who wish to follow such action. No matter what leaings (National – Labour – Act and any other Polictial Party)
    All one has to do, is cast a vote against any party who is foolish to enter into such a policy. It has happened before: National, tryed some years back, to introduce trout farming into the country The freshwater Anglers rose up against this policy, worked hard to wake up to the danger of such a happening and vote against the government.
    Mr, Mcintyre, the then Deputy Prime Minister lost his seat; the National Party managed to stay in power. But they got the message; the trout farming policy was dropped.

    Ouite easy, really, You ave all the power, in the comming election; Rise up, don’t take this rubbish. Use, you votes wisely; vote for your love of the out doors and your sport. Its over to you really; its in your hands. If you don’t act, it’s your fault really: don’t blame any one else.

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