“Toxic, Ecotoxic, Keep Out of Reach of Children”
Secondary Identifiers:
May be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin
May cause reproductive/development damage from repeated ingestion May cause neurological symptoms from repeated ingestion at high doses.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms
Harmful to soil organisms
Very toxic to terrestrial vertebrates
Very toxic to terrestrial invertebrates”
For wide dispersive use, written notification must be given to any persons likely to be affected – this includes occupiers and owners immediately neighbouring the application area. Notification must be made 2 days – 4 weeks ahead of the application. Notification must include the location of the application area; the proposed date and approximate duration of the application; the steps to be taken by those notified to avoid exposure (e.g., staying indoors, closing windows and doors, moving washing indoors, disconnecting roof water supply, etc.); and the notifiers details (including name and phone number for immediate contact during application).