Book Review: “A Jab in the Dark” subtitled “Covid vaccines and the new Health Dictatorship” by Ron Asher. Published by Tross Publishing, Wellington. Reviewed by Francis Albert.
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Ron Asher is a New Zealand writer and commentator on current affairs having lived in Hong Kong and becoming increasingly concerned at China’s intrusion into other countries one being New Zealand. As a result in 2017, he wrote an excellent book “In the Jaws of the Dragon: How China Is Taking Over New Zealand.” It was published by Wellington publisher Tross Publishing.
His latest book just released, deals with covid, vaccines and government agenda.
Ron Asher is concerned at the inroads into democracy, the arrogance of the Prime Minister and her cabinet and the growing manipulation and control of the people. The vehicle for control is covid to increase political power over the people.
He writes “the restrictions on the individual have all been based on the twin lies that Covid is so deadly that it can be combatted only by unprecedented suppression of individual liberties and that the Pfizer vaccine is ‘safe and effective’ when it is neither.”
He sees too many people as uncomprehending and therefore subservient.
“Any democracy is only as strong as its people and the way that the masses in New Zealand have allowed themselves to be hypnotised into believing Covid requires the introduction of a virtual tyranny, does not auger well for the future.”
The style of government is undeniably linked to all facets of life, including the outdoors. Witness the ridiculous firearm laws following the mosque shooting three years ago. The book will be derided as “misinformation” and “conspirational” by government. But it’s well researched and well written. It should be read. Keep an open mind. Author Ron Asher recommends the reader do so.
Read – then accept or reject.
Read it – it’s very important.

Very importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government. So, this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a chance to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail efficiently as the rules are made by people whom they have selected.
Is that what is happening? I read Ron Asher’s book on China’s invasion of other countries’ economies. It was very good. I am very concerned at the undemocratic style of NZ’s government. I suspect the covid panademic, as mismanaged as it has been by Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins and gang is being used for greater state control. The book sounds like essential reading in the light of that.
Criticism of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her government’s dominating, (dare I say dictatorial?) style is not without reason. she and her cabinet are all guilty of ignoring democratic select committee convention. In one case (traffic lights covid ‘system’) there was NO select committee. This flagrant bypassing of accepted democratic convention, raises questions and suspicion.
What might be behind the covid panademic and the coercion of the people into getting jabbed? Books like Ron Asher’s suggest a conspiring for another reason. Or is it just a major misstep on her part, or something deeper about the nature of leadership itself?
I will get a copy of Ron Asher’s book to decide for myself.