New Book on Fiordland Helicopter-Deer Days is a Great Read

by Tony Orman

Dave Richardson of Marlborough has just written a mammoth book – 450 pages in all – about his hunting life that features accounts of his years hunting deer in Fiordland. It’s a great read about a man, a very remarkable hunter, jet boater and helicopter pilot.
Why did he pen the book which took years in compiling?
“It’s because a number of people urged me to write a book about my hunting years and particularly about Fiordland,” he says.
The saga of Fiordland became known as The Deer Wars, somewhat a misnomer in Dave’s opinion.
“It was survival of the experienced plus those who weren’t fool-hardy. Those who didn’t know how to hunt, seldom survived and left. A very few took crazy risks and didn’t survive,” is how Dave Richardson reflected on his years in the era known as the Deer Wars.
To some extent some men became addicted like adrenalin junkies – and they could be prone to take risks. Over 80 men died in the pursuit of deer and dollars and many more were injured. But that needed to be put in context said Dave Richardson.
“Similarly there’s accidents and fatalities with small aircraft and top dressing operations,” he points out. “Like any business, there were two contrasting types – the irresponsible cowboys and the sensible responsible operators.”
Dave Richardson survived a helicopter accident that was not due to taking an absurd risk but was simply due to bad aircraft maintenance.
“It was just aircraft engineers not doing their job properly,” he says now confined to the wheelchair as a result of the mishap.
“I always had in the back of my mind, my wife Jan and kids at home, so I didn’t take risks. Most were similarly sensible but yes a few others weren’t. After all it’s no different to drunken drivers being a blight on the majority of sensible motorists is it?”
Born in Central Hawkes Bay in the North Island Dave grew up at a tiny village called Tikokino in the late afternoon shadow of the Ruahine Ranges. In his schoolboy years Dave shot his first deer in the Ruahines and was hooked on hunting.
Care for Wapiti
In 1970, Dave and his wife Jan established a freezer operation where hunters could sell deer. With the welfare of the unique wapiti herd in mind, he openly encouraged hunters to kill selectively, i.e. shoot hybrid wapiti-red deer crosses and red deer and leave pure wapiti unharmed.
However the death knell for Fiordland’s wapiti came when live deer capture operations removed pure bred wapiti from the park. Three cabinet ministers had promised to save the wapiti herd but in Dave’s opinion, their assurances were hollow.
“The whole saga was a sham. In fact some government connected people allegedly got those pure bred wapiti put on their deer farms. It was arguably corrupt,” he reflects.
Underlying it was the seriously flawed National Parks Act which still outlaws “introduced species” such as wapiti, red deer and even trout.
“It’s about time we accepted some introduced species as valued,” he adds. “After all, all humans are introduced by migration and our essential farm animals are introduced.”
There was “slipshod” management with the wapiti. The helicopter industry was flawed with failure to enforce proper regulations while helicopter operators were forced to buy second hand parts, gear and helicopters.
Crazy Times
The deer war era was tumultuous with a loss of over 80 human lives plus many accidents such as Dave suffered. Despite the disorganised mismanagement, it was an exciting occupation to be in.
“Without a doubt, crazy as it seems, I’d do it again,” he smiles.
It’s all in his book “With Few Regrets” self published and available direct from Dave.
The book is big – 450 pages with plentiful photographs – and an absorbing insight into the “deer wars”, the mismanagement of wapiti and the politics involved. Using his personal diaries the author tells not only his story but also many of the people he worked withLiberally illustrated with photos it’s an excellent read.

“With Few Regrets” by Dave Richardson (self published) Price $60 plus $8 postage, total $68. Available from author, 9 Beatrice Place, Rarangi, Blenheim R.D. 7273. E mail contact <> Payment by direct credit. 

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8 Responses to New Book on Fiordland Helicopter-Deer Days is a Great Read

  1. George Lindsay says:

    Hi Dave
    Can I please order one of your books?
    Do you have any limited addition copies.
    If you could send me your bank details I will get some money into your account.
    My address is George Lindsay Po Box 39 Ranfurly, Central Otago,
    George Lindsay.

  2. Lance Reed says:

    How much are your books I live in the USA I’ve just got Milton’s book and a lot of others am x New Zealand Hunter

  3. Ruth Good says:

    Hi Dave would love to get your book for David, I heard about it from Ross Duncan. Please let me know how to pay for it, regards, Ruth good

  4. Ruth Good says:

    Have done transfer but having trouble sending a note to you, let me know if you got my note. RG

  5. Sandra Wilson says:

    Please could I order this book for my son for Christmas. I’m absolutely sure he will love it.

  6. Greg Lenihan says:

    Would like to purchase one of your books and would you please message me.

  7. Nelunka Ormandy says:

    I am trying to get hold of this book. I was told that there is also a chapter on Burwood Hospital and my father Dr Anthony. I would love to get hold of this book. Please let me know how to purchase.

  8. Jeff M says:

    When I was a little fella, Dave spent many nights camping in the tiny Te Anau Downs Station gatehouse. Arthur and Ginnie Parker were building the Downs Road House for the Tourists. Our family stayed there every holiday through the building process. Dave had his Singer car and that white Jetboat – he took us up the Eglinton River. Our next adventure was down the Hollyford with my dad. Unforgettable.
    Great times, genuine people from whom a young fella learned about hard work and good humour. Pumping petrol and winding the handle on the fuel bowser does that.
    Sixty-five years later, those memories still remain.

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