Monthly Archives: June 2024

How Gun Control Works

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LegaSea Slams Fisheries NZ climate Blame Game over Snapper

Special report LegaSea is “stunned” that Fisheries NZ is blaming the climate for snapper having “milky white flesh syndrome.” “Fisheries NZ said the climate blame by-passed last year’s laboratory results that showed snapper were in a “state of chronic malnutrition”. … Continue reading

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Claims by Groups Over Firearm Proposals are False says COLFO

Special report Hugh Devereux-Mack The Council of Licensed Firearm Owners (COLFO) has refuted  anti-firearm based claims by the Police Association over government proposals aimed to ease irrelevant rules on firearm clubs and ranges. COLFO spokesperson Hugh Devereux-Mack gave as examples claims made … Continue reading

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COLFO Praises Government’s Firearm Reforms Despite Concerns from Police Association and Anti-Firearm lobbies.

From a statement from Brad Gallop, Chairperson, Council of Licensed Firearm Owners and newspaper reports. 25 June 2024 Brad Gallop, Chairperson, Council of Licensed Firearm Owners, has praised the coalition government’s current reform proposals of firearm laws in response to … Continue reading

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MP Duncan Webb Has it Wrong on Firearms

Opinion by David Mack Introduction: Lawyer and currently Labour MP for Christchurch Central Duncan Webb in his latest newsletter said this on the coalition government’s moves re firearm ownership. Under a heading Backtrack on Gun Safety, Duncan Webb wrote:- The … Continue reading

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Does New Zealand Need a Constitution.

Opinion by Andi Cockroft, Chairman CORANZ Inheriting the British governmental style, GodZone relies on “Common Law” as a backstop to judicial thinking. Common Law acts as a precedent-setting set of decisions that are passed down over the years. We still … Continue reading

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School Possum Hunts have Negative Consequences for the Healthy Development of Empathy In Children

Opinion:- Lynley Tulloch  University Lecturer, Early Childhood Education School possum hunts in Aotearoa New Zealand tend to be polarising.  On the one hand is the school’s touted mission of environmental conservation couched in community values and identity. On the other … Continue reading

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What are Effects of Fluoride in Rotorua’s Town Water Supply?

By Alan Simmons      The Rotorua Council is considering a directive from the Health Department to add fluoride to Rotorua’s water supply.  Some Councillors and many of the public are opposing this.  As councils countrywide ramp up the addition … Continue reading

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Fast Track Bill Threatens Democracy and Environment Says NZFFA

Special Report A nationwide sports fishing and environmental advocacy, the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers has told a parliamentary select committee that the Fast Track Approvals Bill threatens both New Zealand’s  environment and democracy. “ We strongly oppose the … Continue reading

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“Pest Problem Pretty Scary” says DoC

Speaking at the Environmental Defence Society conference in Ōtautahi/Christchurch on 11 June, Minister of Conservation Tama Potaka told of a dismal outlook for a stressed Department of Conservation due to cyclonic storms, e.g. Gabrielle  the challenge of combatting “invasive species” … Continue reading

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Impulsive, Injudicious Cat Eradication Attempts “Fraught With Danger”

by Laurie Collins Editor’s note: Laurie Collins is now retired but still active recreationally in the “bush” particularly in the West Coast and Lewis Pass areas. His working career dealing with wildlife embraced early trials of 1080 poison, field work … Continue reading

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Police Not Fit and Proper to Run Firearm Ownership System

Press release Through an Official Information Act request, the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand says it has uncovered that the police have been “quietly engaged” in a multi-year harassment campaign targeting legal firearm owners following the March 2019 shooting … Continue reading

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Horizon Poll Shows National Voters Worry About Fast Track Bill

There is widespread public concern about the Fast Track Approvals Bill being pushed by the coalition government’s two cabinet ministers Shane Jones and Chris Bishop. According to an article by Greenpeace, that concern has spread to many who voted National … Continue reading

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