Monthly Archives: August 2023

OSPRI’s 1080 Research Cause for Concern

by Dr Jo Pollard BSc (Hons), PhD, Zoology According to OSPRI, the organisation responsible for controlling bovine Tb, 10 years of research have demonstrated “that 1080 can be used to control pests without harming native birds” (Media release, 1/8/23). OSPRI … Continue reading

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Rats Being Released to Combat Bird Problem

Special report Ship rats have been introduced to the  Lake Rotopiko Waikato wetland in an endeavour to combat the hundreds of thousands of birds that live there. The outcome is far from certain of theist under 50 ship rats released … Continue reading

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1080 Poison Damage Overwhelmingly Costly to Native Creatures

Special report A Canadian scientist Dr Alexis Pietak says New Zealand’s use of 1080 poison in its war against “pests” is doing extreme damage to the ecosystem and native wildlife species from birds to insects and other creatures. Her research … Continue reading

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The Green Party’s Plans for Public and Private Lands

by Dr. Peter Winsley The Green Party wants to facilitate the transfer of more public (or “Crown”) and private land to iwi, hapū, and whānau. The intent is to address inequities arising from Māori land loss, especially in the 19th century.The … Continue reading

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Top Book on “The Good Life”

Book Review ‘Life on Fodder Farm – A journey to Self Sufficiency” by Rebecca Stewart, published by Upstart Press. Price $39.99 Reviewed by Tony Orman Fishing and hunting people are into harvesting fish and game and even given to gathering. … Continue reading

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Engaging Book on Walking the Length of New Zealand

Book Review: “Not Alone: Walking Te Araroa Trail Through New Zealand” by Tim Voors, published by Bateman Books, price $45.99. Reviewed by Tony Orman Keen walker Tim Voors lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands and it was during a visit by an … Continue reading

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New Government will be held Responsible for Registry Success

COFO Press release COLFO says a survey by Gun Control NZ shows 2.8 million people will be furious when their support for a firearm registry proves to have been misplaced, as it was for the 2019 firearm confiscation. COLFO spokesperson … Continue reading

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1080 is a Threat to Insects and Insectivorous Birds

Back in 1989 a DSIR entomologist Peter Notman carried out a study on 1080 poison widely used by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation and OSPRI, the latter with the department’s blessing.  Abstract:- Compound 1080 is widely used in New Zealand … Continue reading

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More Firearms “Accidents” by Police – ACT

Press release by Nicole McKee, ACT party “How many privacy breaches will it take for the Government to admit that a firearms register is going to put firearms owners in danger?,” asks ACT’s firearms spokesperson Nicole McKee. After the Firearms … Continue reading

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Who Issued the Mosque Terrorist With a Firearm Licence?

Opinion by M.R. There needs to be accountability around how police issued a firearms licence to Brenton Tarrant – the Australian who is charged with, on March 15, 2019, the murder of 51 people, 40 counts of attempted murder and … Continue reading

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Labour Government and Greens Attack National’s Hunting Fishing Advocacy

Special Report The Minister of Conservation has attacked National’s proposal – if in government – for a Minister of Hunting and Fishing to advocate for wild game and sports fish management. Conservation Minister Willow-Jean Prime referring to them as “introduced” … Continue reading

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