Blog Archives

New Zealand – “Kill Everything Conservation”

by Andi Cockroft Earlier this week I had a wonderful meeting with a conservationist from India who was visiting to research conservation strategies in New Zealand. Her most insightful comment is that unlike India where conservation involves co-existence strategies, New … Continue reading

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NZ’s Environment Protection Measures are Failing Dismally

by Andi Cockroft, chairman Council of Outdoor Recreation Assns of NZ Do we have toothless tigers and pedestrian politicians protecting our environment? If media reports are to be believed, the environmental watchdogs EPA and likely its predecessor ERMA have never … Continue reading

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NZ Smelt Decline Crisis Mirrored Other Side of World

by Dr Peter Trolove Press ReleaseNZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers17 January, 2021NZ Smelt Decline Crisis Mirrored Other Side of World A drastic decline in an important native fish in New Zealand has been matched by a similar decline in a … Continue reading

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Commission Findings on Mosque Massacre Contradict

Opinion by John McNab The long awaited 792-page report by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack at a Christchurch mosque on March 15, 2019 have been finally released. But it didn’t make sense to me. relating to … Continue reading

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More on the Failed QMS Fisheries “System”

by Mark Feldman Printed by courtesy “NZ Fishing News” The previous article I listed a few of the initial defects of the QMS. Now I’ll look at some examples of how the system has failed us since it’s inception and … Continue reading

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NZ’s Fisheries – the QMS – 34 Years of Failure

by Mark Feldman This article was published in the November 2020 issue of “NZ Fishing News”. It is published with the kind permission of “NZ Fishing News” and long time fisheries advocate Mark Feldman   A couple of months ago … Continue reading

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Any rats that appear in this clip, resembling people you know, is by coincidence only

Continuing the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour able to govern alone, we might see a reduction in the rabid excesses of Green policies we have witnessed the past 3 years.

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Department of Conservation Independent Poisoned Cow Investigation – nothing “independent” about it.

Continuing the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour able to govern alone, we might see a reduction in the rabid excesses of Green policies we have witnessed the past 3 years.

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Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation – the finale at Parliament – Willie Nelson takes us Back to the Start

Continuing the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour able to govern alone, we might see a reduction in the rabid excesses of Green policies we have witnessed the past 3 years.

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An introduction to 1080 poison use in New Zealand

Continuing the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour able to govern alone, we might see a reduction in the rabid excesses of Green policies we have witnessed the past 3 years. Beware, this 5 … Continue reading

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DOC gave it a shot, but were caught out. Then came the EPA. Problems there too…

Although the election has been and gone, and we might have to wait a while to see if Maori are returned to Parliament or not, we continue the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour … Continue reading

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Cows & Endangered Birds Poisoned in Taranaki Aerial Drop

Although the election has been and gone, and we might have to wait a while to see if Maori are returned to Parliament or not, we continue the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour … Continue reading

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Toxicologist, Prof Ian Shaw, discusses the mysterious mis-diagnosis in botulism/1080 poisoning case

Although the election has been and gone, and we might have to wait a while to see if Maori are returned to Parliament or not, we continue the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Hopefully, with Labour … Continue reading

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Why Do Politicians Promise the Earth, But Deliver Little?

(or why don’t politicians listen between elections?) Guest Post by Dave Rhodes: This post is being written after the polls have closed on election day, so as not to be seen in any way as electioneering for any party or … Continue reading

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Poisoning Paradise – New Zealand

Our ongoing run up toward election day, we feature yet more of the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Skip the mandatory ads after a few seconds

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I’ve Voted. Have You?

Guest Post by Dave Rhodes Given that the past 3 years have been probably the most traumatic in NewZealand’s political history that I can remember, it’s not surprising so manypeople feel completely disillusioned with politics and especially politicians. It all … Continue reading

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New Zealand Rivers – The Fight to Keep Them Poison-Free

Our ongoing run up toward election day, we feature yet more of the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Skip the mandatory ads after a few seconds

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CORANZ Election Charter 2020 – Results Are In

Cut-off time has been and gone, and sadly major parties think the Outdoor Recreation Movement does not warrant their time nor interest. See our post here With the Outdoor Party first to respond scoring 100%, followed by Aotea Legalise Cannabis … Continue reading

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Deer mass-poisoned – Taihape farmer speaks out

Our ongoing run up toward election day, we feature yet more of the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Skip the mandatory ads after a few seconds

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Photo essay – New Zealand – Clean, Green 1080% Pure

Our ongoing run up toward election day, we feature yet more of the series of short videos produced by The Graf Boys. Skip the mandatory ads after a few seconds

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