Author Archives: Andi Cockroft

Does New Zealand Need a Constitution.

Opinion by Andi Cockroft, Chairman CORANZ Inheriting the British governmental style, GodZone relies on “Common Law” as a backstop to judicial thinking. Common Law acts as a precedent-setting set of decisions that are passed down over the years. We still … Continue reading

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DoC will get back on track when perverse rules are ditched

From By Peter Wilson (Peter Wilson is a former President of Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand, and former Department of Conservation statutory planner) ENVIRONMENT The Department of Conservation needs to talk with the outdoor community who want to … Continue reading

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Bryce Edwards: Chris Hipkins hires a lobbyist to run the Beehive

February 2, 2023 New Zealand is the second least corrupt country on earth according to the latest Corruption Perception Index published yesterday by Transparency International. But how much does this reflect reality? The problem with being continually feted for world-leading … Continue reading

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DOC and Fish and Game NZ – Conspicuous by their Absence at Crisis Time

by Andi Cockroft, Chairman Council of Outdoor  Recreation Assns of NZ (CORANZ)             I  do not currently hold a trout fishing licence but as a keen conservationist and outdoor recreationalist, I take a keen and strong interest in the environment … Continue reading

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DoC Admits 1080 Drop Kills Endangered Kea

by Juliet Speedy (Newshub) The Department of Conservation (DoC) has confirmed a number of kea were killed in a recent 1080 drop around Arthur’s Pass. The department says it’s awful, not good enough and it wants to do better. Arthur’s Pass … Continue reading

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Time to measure Nation’s Well-being on Quality of Life

Opinion by Andi Cockroft, chairman CORANZ It’s well past time when New Zealand’s economic policy was examined and any shortcomings jettisoned. For example, New Zealand could well consider ditching  Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measurement of New Zealand’s progress … Continue reading

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Howl of a Protest

I know ‘cos I was there – A Personal Account By Andi Cockroft With no Farmer’s Dog Howl events scheduled for Wellington, I made the 100km trip north over the Remutaka’s to Masterton. “Arrive 2 hours early,” I was told. “You’ll need … Continue reading

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Guest post from Alan Simmons, President & Co-Leader. NZ Outdoors Party  items in italics are actual quotes from DOC briefing papers to the Minister. Please help to build up a fighting fund in case we need to mount a judicial … Continue reading

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Do Possums Like Eggs? An Update

In a 4-part experiment laid out HERE, I showed a backyard experiment confirming absolutely that possums are not interested in eggs – even when a lure is pasted on them. I also encouraged anyone who wished to undertake the experiment … Continue reading

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Impact of 1080 – It’s Not Just Animals (Part 2)

In part 2 we look at other impacts of 1080 poisoning and the devastating effects it can have, and our Governments (past and present) ruthless and ever-expanding 1080 programme. In Part 1 (here), we looked at the effects of 1080 … Continue reading

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Impact of 1080 – It’s Not Just Animals (Part 1)

In any ecological environment, there is a food chain starting with the smallest and getting bigger at each link until you reach the top. Looking first at the oceans, and plankton – one of the smallest of God’s creatures – … Continue reading

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NZFFA Press Release May 2021

Fish and Game Review Proposals Undemocratic Hunters and fishers would largely be deprived from participation and management of their sports body, NZ Fish and Game, if recommendations contained in a recently released Government-instigated review of their organisation are adopted, states … Continue reading

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CORANZ Press Release

Government Power Grab For Public’s Fish and Game The government through the Department of Conservation seems to make a major play for state ownership of the public’s fish and game resources and sport via the department’s review of the Fish … Continue reading

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Why are we subsidising harm?

Guest opinion by Dr Mike Joy The school strikes for the climate are not a fad and they’re not going away. They should be a wake-up. The kids are telling us they have had enough, that we “grown-ups” aren’t grown-up … Continue reading

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Reprinted From 20 Years Ago – 2001

The more things change, the more they stay the same Press Release: New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers, (Inc.) February 2001 The Case Against the Importation of Trout Flesh into New Zealand Index:Introduction Issues of Sovereignty Issues of Biosecurity Issues … Continue reading

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Dig that Cicada Rhythm n Blues

It’s that time of year when the Cicada makes their circadian debut (yep pun intended) following a 17-year internment buried deep underground. Cicada give us a brilliant insight into the health (or not) of a particular ecosystem. With many different … Continue reading

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Not Only in New Zealand

Reports are coming in of the demise of the last Golden Eagle in Wales. Killed most likely by poison, although it did have a couple of marks from shot as well although these had healed. A truly sad day for … Continue reading

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Should Dairy Farming Expand in Areas of Low Rainfall?

Opinion by Andi Cockroft A recent Radio New Zealand report says that Hawkes Bay rivers are suddenly starting to dry up, with conditions starting to track close to last year’s dry spell, which was described as a one-in-100-year event. The … Continue reading

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New Zealand – “Kill Everything Conservation”

by Andi Cockroft Earlier this week I had a wonderful meeting with a conservationist from India who was visiting to research conservation strategies in New Zealand. Her most insightful comment is that unlike India where conservation involves co-existence strategies, New … Continue reading

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NZ’s Environment Protection Measures are Failing Dismally

by Andi Cockroft, chairman Council of Outdoor Recreation Assns of NZ Do we have toothless tigers and pedestrian politicians protecting our environment? If media reports are to be believed, the environmental watchdogs EPA and likely its predecessor ERMA have never … Continue reading

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